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Course Details

Toxic Substances Control Act webinar

Student taking online training

Course Area

Environmental Health and Safety


Available for 90 days after enrollment

Approximate Course Run Time

1 hour

Continuing Education Units


Course Fee

No charge

E-learning content is available on demand


Course Details

The EPA released the updated Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory on February 26, 2019 giving manufacturers, importers, and processors, 90-days to correct any inaccuracies in the “New” (TSCA) Inventory. When the final inventory becomes effective on May 20th, it will be illegal for companies to manufacture, import or process chemicals that are not designated as “Active in commerce” without first notifying EPA within 90 days of doing so. Additionally, for items listed in the “Active in commerce” inventory, the EPA has the authority to change the current OSHA limits of these chemicals based on EPA’s risk assessments.

Join John Baker, BSI Principal Consultant, to learn about the updates to the TSCA and how these changes could affect the workers at your organization as well as the following topics:

  • OSHA and EPA risk evaluation strategies –
    • The differences between the two risk evaluation strategies
    • How the evaluation strategies can affect your organization
  • Fundamental about  the “new TSCA” and suggestions on preparing for these changes
  • The potential for “regrettable substitution”
  • Noncompliance and potential actions EPA might take that could affect your company

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