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Course Details

Avoid burnout among remote workers with ISO 45001 and ISO 45003

Student taking online training

Course Area

Health, Safety and Well-being


Available for 90 days after enrollment

Approximate Course Run Time

1 hour

Continuing Education Units


Course Fee

No charge

E-learning content is available on demand


Course Details


The popularity of remote work continues to rise, but uncertainty remains about how it influences employee well-being. There have been a number of studies conducted that conclude that burnout has plagued workers who were required to work remotely to stay employed.  

It is important that psychosocial risks for remote workers are managed in a manner consistent with other OH&S risks. Risks related to remote working include damage to psychological health, physical well-being and interpersonal relationships. Psychosocial risks are also associated with economic costs to workers, organizations and society.

To reduce the negative impact of remote working, your organization may want to consider using the guidance document ISO 45003 to enhance your ISO 45001 OH & S management system. 

Key takeaways and learning objectives

What you’ll learn in this webinar:

  • The key requirements and benefits of ISO 45003
  • Identify risks and opportunities associated with psychological health and well-being for remote workers
  • How to ensure that the health, safety and well-being of remote workers will be maintained 

Awareness and management of psychosocial risk on remote workers can lead to benefits such as improved worker engagement, enhanced productivity, increased innovation and organizational sustainability. Keeping your remote workers safe from psychological/psychosocial risks will benefit all Stakeholders and create a better environment for people to thrive in!

Presenter information

Speaker - Jim Moran, Training Instructor BSI Group

Host - Vanessa Zamora, Marketing Manager BSI Group Canada

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