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How to use ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 to reduce your GHG emissions

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Available for 90 days after enrollment

Approximate Course Run Time

1 hour

Continuing Education Units


Course Fee

No charge

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Course Details


You are a heavy user of energy and have numerous environmental aspects. You are certified to ISO 14001 and are controlling your impact on the environment. What about Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions?

Imagine combining the benefits of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 into a powerful integrated system that uses the best of both worlds to help you get a handle on GHG emissions?

Key takeaways and learning objectives

In this educational webinar we'll talk about:

Why should we control our GHG emissions?

  • What are the environmental impacts of GHG?
  • How does energy use affect GHG?
  • What if we do nothing?

How can we control GHG emissions more effectively?

  • The role of ISO 14001 in controlling emissions
  • The role of ISO 50001 in controlling emissions
  • How can we use these Standards to manage GHG emissions? 

What results can we expect?

  • Reduce environmental impact with ISO 14001
  • Lower energy costs with ISO 50001
  • Improve business operations to reduce GHG emissions and improve profits

Presenter information

Speaker  - Jim Moran, Training Instructor, BSI Group

Host - Vanessa Zamora, Marketing Manager, BSI Group

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