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Course Details

Supercharge your internal audits

Student taking online training

Course Area

Quality Management


Available for 90 days after enrollment

Approximate Course Run Time

1 hour

Continuing Education Units


Course Fee

No charge

E-learning content is available on demand


Course Details


Internal Audits can provide value to employees and senior management as a source of objective evidence to improve the effectiveness of your Management System. By using the ‘Supercharge’ approach you’ll add value and usefulness to your audits and really ‘make them pay’!

Key takeaways and learning objectives

During this educational webinar, you will learn:

Decide what to audit

  • Follow the workflow
  • Review improvement initiatives
  • Analyze metrics: non-conformances and opportunities for improvement, customer satisfaction, audit results (internal and external), customer feedback (internal and external), and Management Reviews 

Use Competent Auditors

  • What skills do auditors need to give us a good return on our audit investment?
  • How do we get auditees ‘engaged’ in the audit process?
  • What's the difference between auditing and inspecting?

Apply Plan, Do, Check & Act to auditing 

  • How often (and what) should we audit? (Plan)
  • What are some tips for interviewing auditees and recording evidence? (Do)
  • How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our audits? (Check)
  • What should we look for to improve our auditing process? (Act)

When you make internal audits part of Your business activities and use multiple short audits throughout the year, you’ll find more relevant process information. Shorter, more frequent audits are less disruptive and will help you keep your thumb on the pulse of your process effectiveness. When you Keep your employees tuned into auditing benefits you will supercharge your internal audits and create a better environment for people to thrive in!

Presenter information

Speaker - Jim Moran, Training Instructor, BSI Group Canada

Host - Vanessa, Marketing Director, BSI Group Canada

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