BSI's new training courses offer an introduction to understanding the standard, its requirements,
and the many benefits it can bring to your business.

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Course Details

Workplace Violence Prevention: Fortifying Employer Efforts

Student taking online training

Course Area

Health, Safety and Well-being


Available for 90 days after enrollment

Approximate Course Run Time

1 hour

Continuing Education Units


Course Fee

No charge

E-learning content is available on demand


Course Details


Join Kerri Greene and David Blacksberg of BSI for an overview of national workplace violence trends and regulatory climate. We'll discuss lessons learned from the 2017 California healthcare standard, as well as the implications of the 2024 Labor Code changes. Attendees will walk away with a plethora of tools and tips to make your program more robust and meaningful, as well as a variety of best practices to help you navigate your program to meet the needs of your company, employees, and regulatory agencies, all without running into common pitfalls.

Key takeaways and learning objectives

After this presentation, attendees should be better equipped to: 

  • Interpret 2024 Labor Code Changes
  • Apply best practices in workplace violence prevention to their workplace
  • Identify existing shortcomings in their workplace violence prevention programs

Presenter information

Speaker - Kerri Greene, Principal Consultant, BSI

Speaker - David Blacksberg, Senior Consultant, BSI

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For questions regarding any of our courses, contact us or call 800.217.1390 (USA) 800.862.6752 (Canada)

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