BSI's new training courses offer an introduction to understanding the standard, its requirements,
and the many benefits it can bring to your business.

BSI is the only certification body accredited by Exemplar Global, under the TPECS scheme, to offer AI training in 2024.

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Course Details

Incident and Accident Investigations

Course Area

Environmental Health and Safety


Available for 90 days after enrollment

Approximate Course Run Time

1 hour

Continuing Education Units


Course Fee

USD $50.00

E-learning content is available on demand


Course Details

This training establishes techniques an investigator can use to collect information relating to an investigation in a comprehensive and objective manner, and utilize that information to develop corrective actions validated by a root-cause analysis method. This training is for supervisors and individuals that are responsible for investigating or processing workplace incidents of any type.

This course will help you:

  • Be objective and non-biased in your methods of documenting an incident.
  • Be able to develop corrective actions based on more systemic root causes.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of corrective actions once they have been implemented.

You will learn about:

  • The importance of effective investigations
  • Key techniques in documenting the scene and incident timeline
  • Key techniques in taking interview statements
  • Performing root-cause analysis using the “5 Whys” method
  • Criteria for establishing corrective actions

This training is for supervisors and individuals that are responsible for investigating or processing workplace incidents of any type. This training may also be useful to individuals that perform workplace safety inspections.

The course establishes a uniform, step-by-step method to the incident investigation process. As each step is explored, the student is shown the importance of the previous step’s completion. To reinforce understanding of each step, the course documents the investigation of an example incident, at pace with the course content.

On completion, you’ll be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate.

The importance of effective techniques in investigating incidents is widely endorsed by safety organizations and regulatory agencies alike. The unanimous consensus of these endorsements is that corrective actions based on more systemic, root causes present a significantly better chance at preventing the recurrence of similar incidents as well as influencing the “safety culture,” or the way the employees view the importance of safety as a component of management techniques.

In California, employers are required by law to develop Injury and Illness Prevention Programs. 8CCR3203(a)(5) requires employers to document the procedure and method for how injury and illness investigations are to be carried out. U.S. OSHA directly acknowledges the importance of Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (referred to within the organization as I2P2), and is actively working toward establishing a regulatory standard on the subject.

U.S. OSHA offers recognition through a program called the Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) to employers that actively work to reduce injury, illness and incident rates within their industry. Establishing investigation methods is a requisite of the VPP Policies and Procedures Manual.

You might also be interested in the following training topics:

  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program - coming soon
  • Emergency Response Teams - coming soon

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For questions regarding any of our courses, contact us or call 800.217.1390 (USA) 800.862.6752 (Canada)

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