BSI's new training courses offer an introduction to understanding the standard, its requirements,
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Course Details

Best Practices for Reducing Material Handling Ergonomic Injuries webinar

Course Area

Environmental Health and Safety


Available for 90 days after enrollment

Approximate Course Run Time

1 hour

Continuing Education Units


Course Fee

No charge

E-learning content is available on demand


Course Details

They are the #1 cause of injury for healthcare workers, with unseen costs far above the treatment alone… and they are largely preventable with sometimes simple and inexpensive solutions.

Medical supplies, diagnostic and clinical equipment, laundry and housekeeping materials - they're the lifeblood of a hospital's operations. But the physical act of moving these resources around - often at a fast pace - is a primary cause of injury to hospital staff, and a source of major expense, over $10 billion annually - that hits healthcare organizations' bottom lines.

What you'll learn

  • Review the costs of material handling injuries in your organization - all of them, seen and unseen - and how they impact the bottom line and more.
  • Examine the primary causes of material handling injuries, uncovered during extensive root cause analysis.
  • Share proven best practices in material handling injury prevention, including risk identification, data collection and analysis, corrective actions, and ongoing risk assessment - that can make a difference in a short amount of time.
  • Learn how to embed the best practices - through a systems safety approach - into your organization so you can sustain an injury free environment

Case Study

You'll hear the story of how a leading healthcare provider's linen department, facing mounting injuries and lost works days, as well as diminishing employee morale, successfully achieved measurable improvements - 44% injury cost reduction, 60% lost work day reduction, 23% restricted work day reduction.

Live Online Classes

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